FedEx Paid 4.2% Federal Tax Rate over 5 Years

September 5, 2013 04:26 PM | | Bookmark and Share

Memphis-Based Firm Shifted Hundreds of Millions Offshore Last Year

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In November of 2011, Citizens for Tax Justice released a report analyzing the federal income taxes paid by hundreds of profitable Fortune 500 corporations during the three-year period between 2008 and 2010. The report identified 78 companies that had managed to avoid paying any federal income tax in at least one year over this period. FedEx was one of these companies. The report also showed that over the three-year period as a whole, FedEx paid an effective tax rate of just 0.9 percent on nearly $4.3 billion of US profits. This brief extends our previous analysis to include fiscal years 2011 and 2012, and finds that the company’s tax rate for the five-year period remains quite low, at 4.2 percent.

The annual reports filed by FedEx with the Securities and Exchange Commission make it possible to calculate the federal and foreign income tax rates paid by the company each year. The table at right shows our estimates of the US pretax income, current federal income tax and effective tax rate for FedEx in each of the past five years.

Our analysis shows that FedEx has been very successful in reducing its tax rate well below the statutory 35 percent federal income tax rate. In particular:

  • Between 2008 and 2012, FedEx reported $9.381 billion in US pretax income, and paid just $395 million in current federal income taxes. This computes to a 4.2 percent effective tax rate over this period.
  • In two years during this period, 2008 and 2011, the company actually didn’t pay a dime in federal income taxes, instead enjoying tax rebates of $38 million in 2008 and $135 million in 2011.

While it is difficult to know exactly which tax breaks the company claimed to achieve these low tax rates, a close analysis of the company’s annual reports suggests that accelerated depreciation tax breaks, which allow companies to write off the cost of capital investments substantially faster than they actually wear out, is the main reason for the company’s low taxes. Accelerated depreciation is a long-standing tax break that Congress has acted to expand substantially in the past decade.

FedEx also publishes estimates of the taxes it pays to foreign governments on its foreign pretax income. These data show that over the past five years, the company paid a much higher tax rate to other nations on its foreign income than it paid to the federal government on its US income.





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Exclusive: Vintage Tax Reform Comic Book Now Online!

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While most comic books deal with spandex-suited superheroes saving the day,  the protagonists in New York Public Interest Research Group’s (NYPIRG) “Blood from a Stone: A Cartoon Guide to Tax Reform,” published in 1977, are the everyday taxpayers who are getting shafted by a tax code increasingly riddled with loopholes that directly benefit the rich. The only full-fledged, full-length comic book we know of that’s dedicated to the issue of tax reform, “Blood from a Stone” offers a concise and witty introduction to the history of taxation and the need for progressive tax reform in the United States.

While the comic is now over 36 years old, it remains strikingly prescient considering that tax reform has once again become one of the dominant topics of debate in Washington. In fact, many of the specific tax breaks called out as in need of reform in the comic, such as the preferential rate for capital gains or accelerated depreciation, are on the top of the list of the breaks that still need to go!

We are proud to pluck this comic from its obscurity and to post, for the first time since its original release, a digitized copy of this fascinating comic in its entirety.  We do so with gratitude and permission from the comic’s original authors Larry Gonick and Steve Atlas.  Enjoy!

Cover Page/Table of Contents

Chapter 1: History

This chapter traces the historic role and origins of taxation from the Assyrians in 700 BC through to modern day America. It highlights the considerable importance of taxation in the American Revolution – it’s true, our anti-tax roots run deep – and the origin of the income tax in America. Did you know Abraham Lincoln instituted the first income tax in the US?


Chapter 2: Share and Share Alike

This chapter explains the principle of progressive taxation and explores how a series of loopholes undermine the progressiveness of the tax code. Not only that, it turns out one of those loopholes, the special low rate on capital gains, for example, cost the U.S. Treasury $6 billion – and that was back in 1977. And it’s still the costliest break in the tax code.

Chapter 3: What’s Wrong with Loopholes

This chapter dives deeper into how loopholes undermine the equity of the tax system, are economically inefficient, and have grown to huge proportions in recent years. Building on this, the chapter notes how the beneficiaries of these special preferences have used advertising, lobbying, and campaign contributions to keep them. It’s a surprise to see that Exxon Mobil was among the groups called out for lobbying for special preferences, just as it still is today.

Chapter 4: Reform

This is the what-can-we-do chapter and it covers how concerned taxpayers can advocate for a tax reform bill that wipes away loopholes and improves the equity of our tax system. The chapter ends with a call for you to get informed and rock the boat, and we couldn’t agree more!

Appendix/Back Cover

The appendix is an archival document in its own right. It lists the most relevant tax reform groups in 1977, the comic’s bibliography, the relevant members of Congress in 1977, NY PIRG publications in 1977, and information about NYPIRG. We’re happy to see that the list includes Public Citizen’s Tax Reform Research Group, where our Director Bob McIntyre was working at the time.


Complete Comic (PDF 8.1 MB)


Thanks to Larry Gonick and Steve Atlas for allowing us to post their amazing comic online after all these years.