North Carolina advocates seeking to protect the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit and supporting a balanced approach to the state’s budget crisis have stepped up their efforts to build public support with new multimedia campaigns.
The website, launched last week, features a clever ad titled “If You Work Hard, You Deserve a Chance to Get Ahead.” The website also features fact sheets, and an action center where individuals can send virtual postcards to lawmakers explaining the many ways the EITC supports North Carolina’s low-wage workers and families.
TogetherNC, a coalition of more than 120 advocacy groups, service providers and professional associations, started running ads this week in 15 North Carolina newspapers calling on lawmakers to support teachers, firefighters, public health workers, and other vital services with new revenue.
Each of the four unique ads ends with the following message, “When our economy is out of balance, so are our classrooms. Schools and parks. Libraries and fire stations. The things that make our communities great places to work and live are in jeopardy. Lawmakers, North Carolinians want a practical approach to our economy and our state budget–one that includes not only careful spending cuts but also new revenues that work for our changing economy. Balance is a beautiful thing.”
The Together NC coalition also launched a new website, SpeakNC, which will introduce a new video each week featuring North Carolinians who rely on the hundreds of services in jeopardy of being gutted in this year’s budget.
Finally, the North Carolina Budget and Tax Center released their revenue raising and modernization plan this week. The report describes the current failings of the state’s tax system and offers a comprehensive revenue modernization plan that would update the state’s personal income tax, sales tax, business taxes, and “tax-code spending” practices. ITEP contributed substantial analysis and technical expertise to the report.