Analysis of McCain Tax Proposal

January 11, 2000 01:00 PM | | Bookmark and Share

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The tax plan announced on Jan. 11 by Sen. John McCain would provide little or no benefit to the three-fifths of taxpayers who earn less than $39,000 a year; it also offers little to the one percent of taxpayers who make more than $319,000. Instead:

  • More than half of McCain’s proposed tax cuts would go to taxpayers making between $65,000 and $130,000 a year, a group that includes 15% of all taxpayers.
  • Most of the rest of McCain’s tax cuts would be divided between the 20 percent of taxpayers making between $39,000 and $65,000 (who get 21% of the cuts) and the 4 percent of taxpayers making from $130,000 to $319,000 (who get 19%).
  • Overall, the McCain plan would cut taxes by about $500 billion over ten years.

These are the results of an analysis of the McCain tax plan using the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy’s Tax Model, and released by Citizens for Tax Justice.

Starting point for 28% tax bracket would be increased

The centerpiece of McCain’s tax cut plan would substantially raise the starting points for the 28% income tax bracket. Overall, McCain’s plan would move almost 17 million taxpayers out of the 28% bracket, cutting their top marginal income tax rate to 15%.

  • The McCain plan would increase the percentage of taxpayers in the 15% income tax bracket or below from 74.2 percent under current law to 87.4 percent.
  • Put another way, the number of taxpayers in income tax brackets higher than 15% would be cut in half, from 25.8 percent of all taxpayers to 12.6 percent.
  • Of course, by definition, raising the starting point for the 28% tax bracket offers no benefit to the three-quarters of taxpayers who are already in a lower bracket under current law.

Corporate loopholes targeted

The other key element of McCain’s tax plan is a proposal to pay for a large portion of the tax cuts with an array of corporate loophole-closing provisions, which McCain estimates would raise $151.7 billion over five years.

Comparison to George W. Bush’s tax plan

Neither the McCain tax plan nor Gov. George W. Bush’s competing, $1.7 trillion (over ten years) tax cut plan would provide much benefit to the bottom three-fifths of taxpayers. Bush assigns about 11 percent of his tax cuts to this large group of taxpayers; McCain, only about 5 percent.

Besides their huge disparity in overall size, perhaps the sharpest difference between the two plans is what they offer to people at the very top of the income scale.

  • Bush’s plan targets 36.9 percent of its tax cuts to the top one percent of all taxpayers, offering them an average tax reduction of more than $50,000 each.
  • In contrast, McCain’s plan gives only 1.8 percent of its net tax cuts to the best-off one percent. (For more details on the Bush tax plan, click here.)

mccain v. bush comparison chart

Details of the McCain tax plan:

1. Over five years, the starting points for the 28% tax bracket would be increased, from the current $43,050 in taxable income to $70,000 for couples, from $34,550 to $52,000 for single parents, and from $25,750 to $35,000 for singles without children. Note that the dollar figures refer to taxable income, so that, for example, families of four would get no benefit until their total income exceeds about $65,000 (in 1999 dollars). The full benefit would not be realized until income approaches $100,000. Because the new starting point for the 28% bracket for couples would be double the single level (although not twice the level for single parents), the change would reduce “marriage penalties” for many couples.

2. The $500 per child tax credit would be increased to $750 per child in 2001 and to $1,000 per child in 2002 and thereafter.

3. The estate tax exemption would be increased from the current $1 million to $5 million (effectively $10 million for couples), phased in over ten years.

4. Over five years, the standard deduction for couples would be increased by 19% (to twice the single amount) and for single parents by 16%. These changes would provide tax relief to many filers who take the standard deduction, as well as to some itemizers. (About 2 million current itemizers would switch to the increased standard deductions.)

5. Up to $200 ($400 for couples) in interest and dividends would be tax-exempt.

6. Limits for 401(k) plan contributions would be increased to $15,000 a year, and similar changes would be made to certain other kinds of retirement savings plans.

7. “Medical Savings Accounts” would no longer be limited to 750,000 taxpayers; the annual contribution limit on “Education Savings Accounts” would be doubled to $1,000; and new tax-deferred “Family Savings Accounts” would be provided for bottom-bracket taxpayers (few of who could afford to take advantage of them).

8. Long-term care insurance premiums would be made deductible.

9. Military personnel overseas would be exempt from tax on some or all of their earnings.

10. A 100% tax credit would be provided for gifts to public and private elementary and secondary schools, up to $200 a year. If all eligible taxpayers took advantage of this free opportunity to help their local schools, this provision could cost more than $17 billion a year (in 1999 dollars). Sen. McCain’s estimate of the size of his tax cuts does not appear to reflect the large potential cost of this school-aid program, which could be implemented more straightforwardly and with better targeting through direct grants to schools. (The distribution tables that follow do not include this credit, which appears to be intended as a backdoor way to funnel money to schools, rather than as a tax relief program.)

11. To offset much of the cost of his tax cuts, Sen. McCain proposes to curtail numerous corporate tax breaks, totaling $151.7 billion over five years. Sen. McCain provides an illustrative list, but does not specify the exact loopholes he would close.

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In Defense of the 1986 Tax Reform Act

January 7, 2000 02:35 PM | | Bookmark and Share

Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.

Lately, some very misinformed people have been mistakenly criticizing Bill Bradley’s tax record, in particular his major role in the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Citizens for Tax Justice doesn’t take sides in political debates– commendably, Vice President Gore also supported the legislation–but we want to set the record straight about the 1986 Tax Reform Act.

The 1986 Tax Reform Act is widely considered to be the best piece of American tax legislation since the adoption of the income tax. Over its first five years, it closed more than $500 billion in loopholes and tax shelters. As a result:

Effects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986
(1996 Income Levels)
Group ($-000)
% of
Tax Change
Change as
% of Income
Below $10 18.6% $ –15 –0.3%
$10-20 21.5% –135 –0.9%
$20-30 15.8% –230 –0.9%
$30-40 11.5% –215 –0.6%
$40-50 8.7% –205 –0.5%
$50-75 13.2% –380 –0.6%
$75-100 5.2% +155 +0.2%
$100-200 3.9% +895 +0.7%
$200+ 1.2% +9,360 +1.8%
  • Major U.S. corporations that previously had paid little or nothing in income taxes due to loopholes were put back on the tax rolls, and corporate taxes were increased overall by a net of more $100 billion over five years.
  • A huge wasteful tax-shelter industry for high-income individuals was shut down.
  • Tax rates on capital gains income were set at the same level as on other income.
  • Millions of moderate-income working families got tax relief through a major expansion of the earned-income tax credit.
  • Taxes on most families (on average, all but the best-off tenth) were reduced. (The table shows the tax changes by income group.)
  • The income tax was substantially simplified for most filers.

Allied in support of the 1986 reforms were a vast array of public interest groups, labor unions and citizens groups around the country. The act was also highly praised by most economists, because it leveled the playing field for businesses and investments, and made our economy more efficient and productive.

Unsuccessfully opposing the 1986 Tax Reform Act were low- and no-tax corporations, recalcitrant supply-siders and tax-shelter promoters. (Opponents included, for example, Newt Gingrich, Bill Archer and billionaire Donald Trump, who continues to criticize the act for cracking down on abusive real-estate tax shelters.)

“The 1986 Tax Reform Act wasn’t perfect, but it was unquestionably a huge victory for tax fairness and economic common sense,” said CTJ director Robert S. McIntyre. “Anyone who states or implies otherwise is misinformed.”


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Income Taxes on Working Families with Modest Incomes Under the George W. Bush Tax Plan

January 1, 2000 01:01 PM | | Bookmark and Share

Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.

Introduction & summary:

The current federal income tax system does not tax the earnings of low- and moderate-income working families with children. In fact, the vast majority of such families actually enjoy “negative” income taxes. In other words, their earnings are higher after income taxes than before income taxes. For example, a single mother with one child earning

Current Income Taxes on Working Families
Who Get the Earned-Income Tax Credit
Income Group % of EITC Families Average Income Tax Now
Less than $10,000 16.8% $ –1,829
$10-20,000 41.9% –2,343
$20-30,000 34.5% –1,002
$30,000+ 7.7% –497
All EITC families 100.0% $ –1,658

$18,000 a year in wages before taxes makes $19,004 after federal income taxes.

Of fiscal necessity, the income tax rebates enjoyed by low- and moderate-income working families are phased out above certain income levels. An unfortunate side effect is that some working families can face quite high “marginal” income tax rates over the phase-out range, even though their actual income taxes paid remain very low or negative. To illustrate:

  • As noted above, a single mother with one child earning $18,000 enjoys a federal income tax rebate of $1,004. But if she earns an additional $100, her income tax rebate falls by $31, to $973–a marginal income tax rate on that $100 of 31%.
  • Likewise, a single mother with two children earning $22,000 gets a federal income tax rebate of $1,701. But if she earns an additional $100, her rebate falls by $36, to $1,665, a marginal income tax rate on that $100 of 36%.

These high “marginal” income tax rates worry some tax analysts.(1) In theory, a high marginal tax rate can discourage work effort in some cases by reducing the rewards for working versus goofing off. Of course, in theory a high marginal tax rate can also encourage more work effort in some cases, since it takes more work to make enough money to support one’s family. In any event, here is an example of how high marginal tax rates can coexist with very low average tax rates under current law:

  • A single mother with one child with a wage of $9 an hour will earn $18,000 a year before taxes at a full-time job. After federal income taxes, her hourly wage will average $9.50 an hour. So her average federal income tax rate is -5.6%. If she works an additional 11 hours at $9 an hour (earning $100 more in gross pay), her federal income tax rebate will fall by $31. That means an after-tax hourly rate of only $6.21 an hour on the additional $100 in earnings (before payroll taxes and state and local taxes). This is true even though the mother’s total pay after federal income taxes of $19,073 is still higher than her pretax pay of $18,100 (and her average federal income tax rate is -5.4%).

The following table and chart offer more illustrations of average and marginal tax rates on low- and moderate income single parents with one child under current law.


Chart: Average and Marginal Tax Rates: Single Parents, 1 Child

George W. Bush’s tax plan and working families: To justify the large federal tax cut he proposed in December 1999, Gov. George W. Bush emphasizes the positive effects that his plan will have in reducing marginal tax rates on low- and moderate-income working families:

“[B]ecause the benefit of the Earned Income Credit diminishes as a worker’s income increases, a single mother with two children on the outskirts of poverty will lose half of any additional dollar she earns (taking into account social insurance taxes and state income taxes). The benefit of taking an extra training course or working an extra shift is cut in half by the government. . . . Lowering these barriers to the middle class is one of Governor Bush’s top priorities.”(2)

There is no doubt that the Bush tax plan would reduce marginal tax rates on some working families with children. Whether this can be considered one of the “top priorities” of the Bush tax plan is another question, however.

As is explained in more detail below, the Bush proposal would reduce marginal tax rates for about a fifth of the 13.9 million working families with children that now get the earned-income tax credit. These changes will help those families, but their effects should not be overstated. Bush’s proposed tax cuts for working families with children who get the earned income tax credit total $2.6 billion a year (at 1999 levels). That equals only one percent of these families’ incomes, and averages only $182 per family.

Put another way, the $2.6 billion in total tax cuts that Bush proposes for moderate-income working families with children is only 1½ percent of the total annual reduction in taxes that Bush proposes. In contrast, 62 percent of Bush’s proposed tax cuts–a total of $105 billion a year–is targeted to the best off 12.7 million taxpayers.(3)

Detailed Analysis

Current Income Taxes on Moderate-Income Working Families

Under current law, federal income taxes on low- and moderate-income working families with children are very low. In fact, the vast majority of low- and moderate-income working families with children actually enjoy “negative” income taxes. For example,

  • A couple with two children does not have a positive income tax until earnings exceed $28,215. A single parent with two children does not pay income tax until earnings exceed $26,720.
  • A couple with one child does not have a positive income tax until earnings exceed $22,985. A single parent with one child does not pay income tax until earnings exceed $21,245.

Below these income levels, low- and moderate-income working families receive actual tax rebates, due to the refundable earned income tax credit. For example, couples and single parents with two children earning $20,000 get a tax rebate (a negative income tax) of $2,232. Overall, the average federal income tax rebate for working families with children earning less than $27,500 a year is $1,755. Most of the families receiving these rebates (two-thirds) are headed by single parents.

Chart: Current Income Taxes on Single Parents with Two Kids


Marginal Tax Rate Issues:

Although actual income taxes are negative for most moderate-income working families, “marginal” income tax rates–the amount of tax paid or tax rebate lost on additional earnings–can occasionally be quite high. Marginal income tax rates can reach 36 percent for some moderate-income families with two children (and in rare cases for families with three or more children), and climb as high as 31 percent for some one-child families.

  • For single parents with two children, the 36 percent marginal income tax rate applies to earnings between $21,267 and $30,600. For couples with two children, the range for the 36 percent rate is between $24,867 and $30,600.
  • For single parents with one child, the 31 percent marginal income tax rate applies to earnings between $15,183 and $26,930. For couples with one child, the 31 percent range is between $18,785 and $26,930.

These high marginal income tax rates stem primarily from the phase-out rules for the earned-income tax credit. The EITC is a refundable tax credit worth as much as $3,820 to families with two or more children and up to $2,312 for families with one child. The credit is phased out, however, above $12,460 in earnings. Specifically:

  • The EITC is reduced by 21 cents for each dollar of additional earnings between $12,460 and $30,600 for families with two or more children.
  • The EITC is reduced by 16 cents for each dollar of additional earnings between $12,460 and $27,930 for families with one child.

The rest of the high marginal income tax rates on some moderate-income working families stems from the 15 percent tax bracket. The starting points for the 15 percent bracket vary by family size and type. For instance:

  • For single parents with two children, the 15 percent bracket begins at $21,267 in earnings. For couples with two children, it starts at $24,867.
  • For single parents with one child, the 15 percent bracket begins at $15,183. For couples with one child, it starts at $18,785.

As noted, however, despite the high “marginal tax rates,” actual income tax liabilities for moderate-income working families with children are very low, in fact, generally negative. But some analysts worry about the possible disincentive effects of the high marginal income tax rates that some of these families face. Indeed, counting Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes, the marginal rate on increased earnings can exceed 50 percent in some cases (counting both the employer and employee shares of the 15.3 percent total payroll tax).

The Bush Tax Plan

In part to try to address the potential disincentive effects of these high marginal tax rates on moderate-income working families, the Bush tax plan offers two proposals:

  • A new 10 percent tax bracket for the first $12,000 in taxable income for couples and $10,000 in taxable income for single parents.
  • Doubling of the per-child tax credit for children under 17, from $500 to $1,000.

These two changes(4) would cut marginal tax rates on some EITC families by reducing or eliminating the ranges of income in which the 15 percent tax bracket overlaps with the 16 percent or 21 percent phase-out rates for the earned income tax credit. (The EITC phase-out rates and ranges themselves would be unaffected.)

As a result, the current 36 percent marginal tax rate that some two-child moderate-income working families face would be eliminated. Those families now in the 36 percent marginal rate would see their marginal rate drop to 21 percent (just the EITC phase-out rate). In addition, the range of income now subject to the 31 percent rate (some one-child families) would be substantially narrowed. Specifically:

  • The 36 percent marginal tax rate faced by two-child couples making between $24,867 and $30,600 and by two-child single parents making between $21,267 and $30,600 would drop to 21 percent.
  • For single parents with one child, the range of income subject to the 31 percent marginal tax rate, which is now from $15,183 to $26,930, would be narrowed to a range of $21,850 to $26,930.
Marginal Tax Rate Reductions for EITC Families Under the Bush Tax Plan
  Married Couples Single Parents
  1 Kid 2 Kids 1 Kid 2 Kids 3 Kids
EITC Phase-Out: 16.0% 21.1% 16.0% 21.1% 21.1%
Starts $ 12,460 $ 12,460 $ 12,460 $ 12,460 $ 12,460
Ends 26,930 30,600 26,930 30,600 30,600
Income Tax before EITC Starts
Current law rate of 15% 15% 15% 15% 15%
Starts at 18,785 24,867 15,183 21,267 24,130
Bush plan rate of 10% 15% 15% 15% 15%
Starts at 25,450 35,533 21,850 31,267 40,683
Current law: From: $ 18,785 $ 24,867 $ 15,183 $ 21,267 $ 24,130
To: 26,930 30,600 26,930 30,600 30,600
Width of Range: 8,145 5,733 11,747 9,333 6,470
Bush plan: From $ 25,450 no $ 21,850 no $ 27,567
To: 26,930 overlap 26,930 overlap 30,600
Width of Range: 1,480 none 5,080 none 3,033
Dollar Change in Overlap Range under Bush: $ –6,665 $ –5,733 $ –6,667 $ –9,333 $ –3,437
% of all EITC families of each type with marginal rate cuts under Bush (20.6% of all EITC families) 32.2% 17.9% 23.3% 23.3% 8.3%
Note: income tax rates above the end of the EITC phase-out range are not shown.

For single parents with one child, the range of income subject to the 31 percent marginal tax rate, which is now from $15,183 to $26,930, would be narrowed to a range of $21,850 to $26,930.

  • For one-child married couples, the 31 percent marginal rate that now applies between $18,785 and $26,930 would be eliminated. The marginal tax rates on this range of income under the Bush plan would be 16 percent on earnings between $18,785 and $25,500 and 26 percent on earnings between $25,500 and $26,930.

The charts that follow illustrate the effects of the Bush proposals on marginal rates faced by moderate-income single parents.

Chart: Marginal Tax Rates on Single Parents with Two Kids

Chart: Marginal Tax Rates on Single Parents with One Child

Changes in actual income taxes under the Bush plan: The reductions in marginal tax rates proposed by Bush would also increase tax rebates (or reduce taxes paid) for some moderate-income working families with children. The following charts illustrate those effects on single parents:(5)

Chart: income Taxes on Single Parents with One Child

Chart: Income Taxes on Single Parents with Two Kids

The Bush Bottom Line: Overall, the Bush proposal would reduce marginal tax rates for

Effects of All Bush Tax Cuts on All
Families With Children Who Get the EITC
Income Group Millions of
% of all
Tax Cut
Less than $10,000 2.3 16.8% $ —
$10-20,000 5.8 41.9% –47
$20-30,000 4.8 34.5% –355
$30,000+ 1.1 7.7% –539
All EITC families 13.9 100.0% $ –182
Bush tax cuts (annual at 1999 levels)
Total amount $ –172.1 billion
Amount to EITC families –2.6 billion
Share to EITC families 1.5%
Figures include effects of:
new 10% tax bracket; doubling the per child tax credit to $1,000;
a deduction for two-earned couples;
and an above-the-line charitable deduction for non-itemizers.
Income classifier includes income that is not part of AGI.

about 2.9 million of the 13.9 million working families with children that now get the earned-income tax credit. Another 2.6 million EITC families would get tax reductions or larger tax rebates under the Bush plan, although their marginal tax rates would not be affected.

These changes will be helpful to the affected families, but their effects should not be overstated. The sum total of all of Bush’s proposed tax cuts on working families with children who get the earned income tax credit is $2.6 billion a year (at 1999 levels),(6) equal to only one percent of these families’ incomes, and averaging only $182 per family.

Put another way, that $2.6 billion in total tax cuts for moderate-income working families with children is only 1.5% of the total annual reduction in taxes that Bush has proposed. That compares to 62 percent of Bush’s tax cuts–$105 billion a year–that is targeted to the best off 12.7 million taxpayers.

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