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State-by-State Impact of Agreed-Upon Conference Bill Analyzed

June 1, 2001 05:43 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.Click here to see the summary table in PDF format.Click here to see more detailed state-by-state tables in PDF format. Citizens for Tax Justice today released a state-by-state analysis of the final version of President Bush’s tax cut plan, as signed by […]

Who Will Receive the 2001 Tax Rebate?

June 1, 2001 05:42 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.Click here to see examples of how the rebate works. Some 39 percent of American taxpayers will not get the full amount of the highly-touted “rebate checks” that will be mailed this summer as a result of the President’s just-passed tax […]

Final Version of Bush Tax Plan Keeps High-End Tax Cuts, Adds to Long-Term Cost

May 26, 2001 05:44 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. The tax plan approved by Congress on May 26, 2001 preserves the high-income tax cuts proposed by George W. Bush, but adds enough new tax breaks to make the final bill 20 percent more costly that the original Bush […]

New York Times Profile of CTJ Director Bob McIntyre

May 21, 2001 02:33 PM | Permalink | Up four flights of dark stairs in a dilapidated building on L Street, Robert S. McIntyre sits behind his computer in chinos and an unironed shirt and turns out detailed analyses of who the winners and losers will be in the tax legislation working its way through […]

Senate Finance Committee-passed version of Bush tax plan analyzed

May 16, 2001 11:35 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Want even more CTJ? Check us out on Twitter, Facebook, RSS, and Youtube!

The Effects of the Bush Tax Cuts on State Tax Revenues

May 2, 2001 11:36 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. President Bush’s proposed reductions in federal taxes are now under consideration in Congress. They include sharp cuts in personal income tax rates, new income tax breaks, and complete repeal of the federal estate tax. Although the tax cuts have […]

Treasury Press Release Confirms CTJ Estimates of Bush Plan's Impact - But Leaves out Critical Details

April 25, 2001 11:37 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. An April 24, 2001 press release from the Bush Treasury Department confirms previous estimates by Citizens for Tax Justice about the aggregate effects of the Bush tax proposals on various demographic groups. But the Bush release fails to tell […]

Senate Democratic Alternative Plan Analyzed

April 16, 2001 11:38 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. On March 27, Democratic leaders in the Senate introduced a tax cut plan designed as an alternative to the $2.4 trillion tax cut plan proposed by President Bush. The bill, S. 629, would provide a retroactive cut in the […]

Most States Shortchanged by Bush Tax Plan

April 11, 2001 11:40 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this press release in PDF format.Click here to see the full analysis in PDF format. A state-by-state analysis of the effects of President George W. Bush’s tax plan finds wide variations in the size of the tax cuts not only by income, but also among […]

House-Passed Estate Tax Repeal Analyzed

April 9, 2001 02:16 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Other CTJ Analyses of Bush Plan HR 6 Bush Tax Cuts Analyzed 3/22/01 HR 3 Bush Rate Cuts Analyzed 3/2/01 Cost of Bush Plan 3/8/01 Revised Analysis of Bush Plan 2/27/01 Bush Plan and Working Families 1/15/00 On April […]

How Large Is the Available Budget Surplus?

March 14, 2001 02:38 PM | Permalink | In January of 2001, the Congressional Budget Office increased its estimate of the ten-year federal budget surplus by almost $1 trillion. CBO’s latest revision brings the ten-year total projected surplus to $5.6 trillion. Congressional tax-cutters–and President Bush–see the new projections as an even more compelling argument for […]

How the Reagan Budget Deficits Became Today's Surpluses

March 12, 2001 02:40 PM | Permalink | In 1986, the federal government ran a budget deficit equal to a staggering 5.0% of the Gross Domestic Product. This year, fiscal 2001, the government is expected to run a surplus (including Social Security and Medicare) of 2.7% of the GDP. How did this astonishing turnaround occur? […]

Tom DeLay's Attempt to Rewrite History

March 9, 2001 02:41 PM | Permalink | The Facts:As everyone knows, under Ronald Reagan, the federal budget deficit ballooned–growing from 2.7% of the Gross Domestic Product in fiscal 1980 to 5.0% of the GDP in 1986. (The deficit actually peaked in 1983, at 6.0% of the GDP, before some of the Reagan policies began […]

New Estimates Show Cost of Bush Tax Plan Continues to Rise

March 8, 2001 11:42 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Newly revised estimates by the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation show that the cost of the tax plan proposed by President George W. Bush would be substantially greater than the $1.6 trillion estimate generated last year. On March 1, […]

House GOP's Version of Second Part of Bush Income Tax Cuts Analyzed

March 8, 2001 11:40 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. The House of Representatives is set to vote next week on its version of the second part of the Bush income tax cuts. In combination with the Bush income tax rate reductions previously approved, the House tax measures put […]

CTJ Analysis of Ways and Means Tax Proposals

March 2, 2001 11:44 AM | Permalink | On March 1, the House Ways and Means Committee approved the biggest item in President George W. Bush’s tax plan, a sharp reduction in personal income tax rates. Republicans and Democrats on the Committee generally agreed on the size of the tax cuts for all but the […]

CTJ Analysis of Bush Plan Updated to 2001 Levels

February 27, 2001 11:45 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. The tax cut plan advocated by President George W. Bush would target most of its benefits to the wealthiest taxpayers if fully enacted in 2001, according to an analysis of the plan released today by Citizens for Tax Justice. […]

Proposed Tax Giveaways for Wealthiest 1% Would Pay for Medicare Prescription Coverage for Seniors

February 15, 2001 11:46 AM | Permalink | Click here to see the full analysis in PDF format.Click here to see this release in PDF format. President George W. Bush’s proposed tax breaks for the best-off one percent of Americans would cost more than the total amount of money needed to pay for a comprehensive Medicare prescription […]

Bush Tax Cuts Would Save George and Laura Almost $100,000 a Year

February 12, 2001 11:48 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. President George W. Bush has proposed a tax cut plan that would give some 43 percent of its tax cuts to the best-off one percent of all taxpayers. Recently, Bush cheerfully characterized himself as a member of that elite […]

When Would the Bush Tax Plan Take Effect?

February 12, 2001 11:47 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Advocates of President Bush’s proposed $1.6 trillion tax cut argue that the plan’s tax reductions are needed in order to stimulate the economy. Yet all of the costliest provisions of George W. Bush’ tax proposal are phased in over […]

The Bush Tax Plan and "Average" Families

February 8, 2001 11:49 AM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. On February 8, President Bush submitted a tax cut proposal to Congress that is patterned after a $1.6 trillion ten-year tax reduction proposed by candidate Bush during the 2000 presidential campaign. Bush has claimed that under his plan, the […]

Corporate Income Taxes in the 1990's

October 1, 2000 04:26 PM | Permalink | This study examines the federal income taxes paid or not paid by 250 of America’s largest corporations in 1996, 1997 and 1998. This was a period of strong profit gains for American corporations. According to the U.S. Commerce Department, pretax corporate profits rose by a total of […]

Analysis of Gore Tax Proposal

August 31, 2000 12:51 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore has proposed a collection of targeted tax breaks that he says will cost a total of $500 billion over the next decade. The proposals include: Increasing the standard deduction for married couples to double […]

Revised Analysis of Bush Plan

August 31, 2000 12:49 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.   Note: CTJ has released more up-to-date data on the impact of the Bush plan. To see the most recent estimates, click here. Overview Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush has proposed a very large federal tax cut as […]

Dick Cheney, Fiscal Conservative?

July 28, 2000 12:52 PM | Permalink | Asked this week why he voted against Head Start when he was in Congress in the 1980’s, Dick Cheney said he was “motivated by a concern for fiscal responsibility in an era when the nation did not have the projected surpluses it now has.” “I would not […]