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Bush Still on Track to Borrow $10 Trillion by 2014

January 30, 2004 02:33 PM | Permalink | Recent estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) show that President Bush remains on track to add more than $10 trillion to the national debt by 2014, under his current borrow-and-spend policies. Most of that enormous increase in debt stems from the President’s tax cuts, which will […]

How do the Bush Tax Cuts Affect YOUR State?

November 19, 2003 04:04 PM | Permalink | The Bush Tax Cuts State-by-State: A Summary of CTJ Analyses Read the Full Report Want even more CTJ? Check us out on Twitter, Facebook, RSS, and Youtube!

More Corporate Tax Shelters on the Way?

October 14, 2003 03:59 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Pending in Congress this fall, with President Bush’s backing, are bills to provide the third major corporate tax reduction in the past two years. “In light of the government’s dire budget straits, enacting still more tax cuts is irresponsible […]

We're Paying Dearly for Bush's Tax Cuts

September 23, 2003 02:36 PM | Permalink | Study Shows Burdens by State from Bush’s $87-Billion-Every-51-Days Borrowing Binge A new report from Citizens for Tax Justice details the huge added burdens thatPresident Bush’s tax and borrowing policies are imposing on American families. Thestudy calculates the net effects of Bush’s tax cuts and massive borrowing over […]

Bush's $10 Trillion Borrowing Binge

September 11, 2003 02:34 PM | Permalink | New projections from the Congressional Budget Office indicate that continuation of President Bush’s budget policies will triple the national debt by the end of fiscal 2013. Left unchecked, Bush’s reckless approach to fiscal policy will saddle our children with an additional $10 trillion in debt just ten […]

CTJ Report Urges Congress To Block MCI's $9.5 Billion Tax Loophole Grab Grab

August 6, 2003 04:00 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this press release in PDF format.Click here to see the full analysis in PDF format. MCI, the notorious telecommunications company formerly known as WorldCom that committed the nation’s largest accounting fraud to date, is trying to milk the public even further by creating an enormous […]

CTJ Testimony on Corporate Subsidies

June 18, 2003 04:03 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Recent projections from the Congressional Budget Office indicate that in fiscal 2003, the on-budget federal deficit is likely to exceed $570 billion. That means that one out of every three dollars that the federal government spends outside of the […]

House GOP Child Credit Bill Gives Far More to the Well Off Than to Moderate-Income Families

June 13, 2003 03:39 PM | Permalink | Over the next four years, the child credit bill passed on June 12 by House Republicans would give 2.4 times as much in total tax cuts to families with children under 17 with family incomes above $104,000 than it would give to families making less than $28,000. […]

Bush to Fund a Third of Non-Social Security Spending This Year With Borrowed Money

June 12, 2003 02:37 PM | Permalink | The latest budget projections from the Congressional Budget Office indicate that one out of every three dollars the federal government spends this year outside of the self-funded Social Security system will be paid for by borrowing. This will be the highest share of deficit-financed spending since World […]

Final Tax Plan Tilts Even More Toward Richest

June 5, 2003 04:05 PM | Permalink | The tax cut plan approved by House and Senate negotiators last night offers the wealthiest one percent of Americans an average of almost $100,000 in tax reductions each over the next four years. At the same time, the final bill sharply scales back the already modest middleincome […]

One in Six Families with Children Would Gain from Increasing Child Credit Refund Percentage

June 3, 2003 03:40 PM | Permalink | Increasing the percentage used to compute the refundability of the child credit from 10% to 15% would help 6.5 million families with 11.9 million children nationwide this year and next. That represents one out of six families with children under 17 whose family incomes do not exceed […]

Bush Tax Plan's Child Credit Boost Leaves Behind One in Four of America's Children

May 29, 2003 03:42 PM | Permalink | The highly-touted temporary increase in the per-child tax credit to $1,000 for 2003 and 2004 will provide no benefit to one out of four families with children under 17, because they do not earn enough to qualify for the aid. Read the Full Report Want even more […]

Senate Action Makes Bad Tax Plan Much Worse

May 16, 2003 04:19 PM | Permalink | The tax cut plan approved by the Senate late last night offers the best-off one percent of Americans a $69,000 tax reduction over the next four years. That’s two-thirds more than the bill reported by the Senate Finance Committee on May 8. The key change in the […]

Senate Democratic Stimulus Plan Offers Bigger Economic Boost and Larger Immediate Tax Cuts for Most than Competing Plans

May 14, 2003 12:20 PM | Permalink | The economic stimulus bill proposed by Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) provides a bigger immediate boost to the economy and larger tax cuts for most taxpayers over the next two years than competing plans approved by Republicans in the House and on the Senate Finance Committee. […]

Senate GOP Tax Plan Targets Tax Aid to Best-off 10 Percent

May 13, 2003 04:21 PM | Permalink | The tax bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee on May 8 and scheduled for Senate debate this week would borrow $350 billion over the upcoming decade to finance still more tax reductions. More than half of the tax cuts would go to the best-off 10 percent. […]

Most of House GOP Tax Plan Would Benefit Best-Off Five Percent

May 6, 2003 04:22 PM | Permalink | Most of the $550 billion that the House Ways and Means Committee would borrow to pay for the tax-cut bill it marked up today is targeted to benefit the best-off five percent of Americans. A computer analysis of the plan by the Institute on Taxation and Economic […]

Revised Estimate Pegs Latest Bush Tax Cut Plan at $2.0 Trillion Over Decade

March 18, 2003 05:15 PM | Permalink |   According to the latest figures from the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, President Bush’s fiscal 2004 budget includes $1.6 trillion in additional tax cuts over the upcoming decade. Counting the $0.4 trillion in added interest on the national debt that the tax cuts will entail, the […]

Bush Dividend Tax Cut Worthless to Most Seniors

March 13, 2003 04:11 PM | Permalink | An editorial in the March 13, 2003 Wall Street Journal repeats the Bush administration’s claim that the President’s proposal to eliminate taxes on dividends would be a bonanza for the elderly. That’s not true. The administration and the Journal get only one, irrelevant statistic right: almost half […]

Bush Administration Pegs Its New Tax Cut Plan at $1.8 Trillion Over Decade

February 3, 2003 05:16 PM | Permalink | According to Bush administration figures, the President’s new budget released today calls for $1.5 trillion in additional tax cuts over the upcoming decade. Counting the added interest on the national debt that the tax cuts will entail, the total cost over the fiscal 2003-13 period will exceed […]

Senate Democratic Tax Plan Analyzed

January 30, 2003 12:22 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Related CTJ Analyses Distributional Analysis of Bush 2003 Tax Plan 1/27/03 Cost of Bush 2003 Tax Plan Estimated 2/3/03 The Senate Democratic tax cut plan introduced by Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) offers substantially larger tax relief to most […]

Bush 2003 Tax Plan a Big Fat Zero for a Third of Nation's Taxpayers

January 27, 2003 05:19 PM | Permalink | Almost a third of America’s couples and singles would receive absolutely no tax cut from President Bush’s proposals to accelerate some of his previously-enacted tax cuts and exempt dividends from personal income taxes. A new analysis released by Citizens for Tax Justice looks at the 2003 effects […]

Most of Bush's Proposed New 2003 Tax Cuts Would Go to Top 10%

January 7, 2003 05:20 PM | Permalink | President Bush’s new, $674 billion tax cut plan would boost the size of his 2001 tax cuts by more than half over this decade, sending our country even deeper in debt and endangering important public programs, while doing little to stimulate the economy. A computer analysis of […]

White House Reveals Nation's Biggest Problem: Rich not Rich Enough

December 16, 2002 05:23 PM | Permalink | According to White House sources quoted in today’s Washington Post, the Bush administration has revealed what it thinks are the central problems facing America today: the very rich don’t have enough money and working people don’t pay enough in taxes. Read the Full Report Want even more […]

Corporate Freeloader Chief is Bush's Choice to Head Treasury

December 9, 2002 04:05 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. John W. Snow, President Bush’s choice to replace the fired Paul O’Neill as Secretary of the Treasury, is the CEO of a champion corporate tax dodger, CSX Corporation. CSX’s 2001 annual report states the following company motto: “CSX will […]

CTJ Calls on Treasury to Scrap "Corrupt" Research Tax Credit Revisions

September 25, 2002 04:06 PM | Permalink | On September 5, 2002, CTJ director Robert S. McIntyre wrote to Pamela Olson, the new assistant secretary of the Treasury for tax policy, asking her to withdraw the revisions to the research tax credit proposed by her predecessor, Mark Weinberger, in late 2001. McIntyre wrote: “You may […]