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Peter Jennings "In Search of America" Profile of CTJ Director Bob McIntyre

September 20, 2002 02:32 PM | Permalink | Four flights up in a dilapidated building on L Street, Robert S. McIntyre holds a candle for liberal America. Steps up from Stoney’s Beef-N-Beer on one side and the Washington headquarters of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) on the other, McIntyre serves as the director of […]

Year-by-Year Analysis of the Bush Tax Cuts Shows Growing Tilt To the Very Rich

June 12, 2002 05:25 PM | Permalink | A new study released today by Citizens for Tax Justice and the Children’s Defense Fund reveals for the first time who stands to benefit from the 2001-enacted Bush tax cuts in each year from 2001 through 2010. Among the key findings: Over the ten-year period, the richest […]

Most of Post-2002 Bush Tax Cuts Will Go to Top 1%

April 18, 2002 05:26 PM | Permalink | More than half of the Bush tax cuts enacted last year that are scheduled to take effect after 2002 will go to the best-off one percent of all taxpayers. In contrast, for four out of five Americans, most of the tax cuts have already taken effect this […]

Corporate Welfare Will Cost Taxpayers More Than $170 Billion This Year

April 17, 2002 04:07 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.Click here for a chart showing trends in corporate income taxes. A startling surge in corporate tax welfare is expected to drive corporate income taxes over the next two years down to only 1.3 percent of the gross domestic product. That […]

Corporate Tax Payments Near Record Low This Year

March 15, 2002 04:08 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. The big corporate tax cut bill just passed by Congress and signed by President Bush will slash corporate income tax payments this year to their lowest level as a share of the economy since the early Reagan administration. This […]

Corporate Loophole Lobbying Conquers House

March 7, 2002 04:10 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Related CTJ Analyses Analysis of 12/01 Stimulus Plan 12/18/01 $7.4 Billion in AMT Relief for 16 Corporations 10/26/01 Corporate Income Taxes in the 1990s 10/19/00 The so-called “stimulus” bill that the House overwhelming passed today offers the same $114 […]

Less than Zero: Enron's Corporate Income Tax Payments, 1996-2000

January 15, 2002 04:11 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. A January 17 analysis of Enron’s financial documents by Citizens for Tax Justice finds that Enron paid no corporate income taxes in four of the last five years– although the company was profitable in each of those years. Over […]

Latest GOP Corporate Tax Giveaway "Compromise" Looks Almost Identical to Original Bloated Plan

December 18, 2001 04:12 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Related CTJ Analyses Analysis of Senate Stimulus Plan 10/29/01 Analysis of House Stimulus Plan 10/15/01 Impact of Accelerated Rate Cuts 10/15/01 $7.4 Billion in AMT Relief for 16 Corporations 10/26/01 Corporate Income Taxes in the 1990s 10/19/00 The latest […]

CTJ Ad in New York Times: Profiteering in the Name of Patriotism

November 15, 2001 04:14 PM | Permalink | This is a moment when Americans are coming together in a spirit of cooperation and community unseen since World War II. There is an air of patriotism and national purpose. Yet, lobbyists for our largest corporations – GE, GM, IBM and others – are taking advantage of […]

Buy Now, Pay Later: How Generous Corporate Campaign Donors Save Billions in Taxes

November 7, 2001 04:16 PM | Permalink | Click here  to see this analysis in PDF format. Washington, D.C.Profitable corporations that will receive a total of $7.4 billion in immediate Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) rebates if the economic “stimulus” bill recently passed by the House of Representatives becomes law are also major campaign contributors, giving […]

Why We have a Corporate Minimum Tax

November 1, 2001 04:18 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.Click here to see CTJ’s 1985 report on Corporate Taxpayers and Corporate Freeloaders in PDF format.   “The committee believes the tax system is nearing a crisis point. . . . [C]ertain tax provisions allow many corporations to pay relatively little […]

AMT Case Studies: Who Are the Companies Complaining About the AMT, and What Do They Pay in Taxes?

October 29, 2001 04:20 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Related CTJ Analyses Analysis of Senate Stimulus Plan 10/29/01 Analysis of House Stimulus Plan 10/15/01 Impact of Accelerated Rate Cuts 10/15/01 $7.4 Billion in AMT Relief for 16 Corporations 10/26/01 Corporate Income Taxes in the 1990s 10/19/00 Last year, […]

Senate Republicans Up "Stimulus" Ante to $220 Billion Over 3 Years

October 29, 2001 12:23 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Senate Republicans have proposed even larger upper-income and corporate tax cuts than the bloated “stimulus” measure passed by the House last week on a party-line vote. Over the first three years, the Senate GOP measure would cut taxes by […]

The House's $212 Billion Special-Interest Love Feast, from the American Prospect

October 22, 2001 04:22 PM | Permalink | Special-interest zeal to co-opt the national crisis as an excuse for huge new upper-income tax breaks continues unabated in Washington, D.C. As I write this, the House is on the verge of approving a bloated “stimulus” tax-cut bill that makes a mockery of the previous bipartisan agreement […]

House GOP "Stimulus" Bill offers 16 Large, Low-Tax Corporations $7.4 Billion in Instant Tax Rebates

October 16, 2001 12:24 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Related CTJ Analyses Analysis of Senate GOP Stimulus Plan 10/29/01 Analysis of House Stimulus Plan 10/26/01 AMT Case Studies 10/29/01 Corporate Income Taxes in the 1990s 10/19/00 The “stimulus” tax-cut bill just approved by the House Ways and Means […]

$212 Billion House GOP "Stimulus" Tax Bill Would Almost Double Bush Tax Cuts Over Next Three Years

October 15, 2001 05:28 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. The House Ways and Means Committee, on a party line vote, has approved a bill that over the next three years would almost double the size of the Bush tax cuts enacted last May. Officially, the new corporate and […]

Proposed Capital Gains Tax Cut Would Divert Stimulus Funds to the Very Wealthy

October 12, 2001 12:25 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Related CTJ Analyses Analysis of House Stimulus Plan 10/15/01 Impact of Accelerated Rate Cuts 10/5/01 Impact of Capital Gains Proposal 10/12/01 House Republicans continue to push for a reduction in income taxes on capital gains. The latest proposal, from […]

Bush's Misguided "Stimulus" Plan

October 9, 2001 05:31 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Supply-Siders Go to War When Abraham Lincoln faced the dissolution of the nation in the early 1860s, he imposed new taxes on the wealthy to help pay to save the Union. When Franklin Roosevelt took America to war against […]

Administration Proposal to Accelerate Income Tax Cuts Would Overwhelmingly Benefit the Wealthy

October 5, 2001 05:32 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Facing growing public sentiment to delay or repeal future tax cuts to address our nation’s economic and budget problems, the Bush administration is pushing for just the opposite. It wants to accelerate the scheduled 2006 reductions in the top […]

Should Big Corporations Be Exempt from Helping Pay for the War on Terrorism?

September 25, 2001 04:25 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format. Astonishingly, a number of congressional leaders are trying to take advantage of the horrible events of September 11 and our nation’s current economic woes to promote a variety of big corporate tax cuts. One of the most egregious proposals […]

Freeze the Cuts

September 18, 2001 05:35 PM | Permalink | 1. Due to the terrible events of September 11, the federal government will need to spend considerably more than previously anticipated to pay for anti-terrorism efforts and to aid our faltering economy. 2. These new emergency spending requirements have made the Bush tax cuts even more unaffordable. […]

Bush Energy Bill Passed by House Showers Tax Breaks on Energy Industry

August 17, 2001 05:37 PM | Permalink | Just before the August recess, the House passed its version of the Bush energy bill, largely along partisan lines. The plan is centered on $33.5 billion in energy-related tax reductions over the next ten years. The bill’s backers disingenuously insist the bill is well-balanced, with 37 percent […]

Joint Committee on Taxation Agrees

June 19, 2001 05:40 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.Click here for a related analysis. On May 26, 2001, the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) released its estimates of the distributional effects of the 2001 tax act’s income tax cuts, on a year by year basis from 2001 through […]

Post-2001 Tax Cuts Offer Little to Most Americans

June 18, 2001 05:39 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.Click here for a related analysis. The vast majority of American taxpayers will see the bulk of their Bush tax cuts take effect this year, leaving only a minority of taxpayers with a significant stake in the Effects of the final […]

The Bush Tax Plan, State by State

June 13, 2001 05:41 PM | Permalink | Click here to see this analysis in PDF format.Click here to see the summary table in PDF format.Click here to see more detailed state-by-state tables in PDF format. Citizens for Tax Justice today released a state-by-state analysis of the final version of President Bush’s tax cut plan, as signed by […]