Tax Justice Blog Archives

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State News Quick Hits: Andrew Cuomo Loves Tax Cuts, So Does ADM, and More

October 2, 2013 04:46 PM By Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Staff | Permalink | States are just beginning to come to terms with the impact that the shutdown of the federal government will have on state residents. This informative blog post from the Wisconsin Budget Project tells us what programs folks should and […]

The Medical Device Tax Should Not Be Repealed

September 30, 2013 02:43 PM By Richard Phillips, Senior Policy Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | On Sunday, House Republicans passed a budget plan that included the repeal of the medical device excise tax, making the end of this tax one of its demands in the ongoing budget negotiations. As the Center on Budget and […]

Inequality for All, Starring ITEP Board Member Robert Reich, Opens Today

September 27, 2013 03:44 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | Professor Robert Reich is a former Secretary of Labor, the star of a new documentary generating all kinds of buzz, and he is also a member of the board of our partner organization, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).  […]

Special Session in Oregon Over Pensions and Revenues

September 26, 2013 04:59 PM By Meg Wiehe, Deputy Director at ITEP | Permalink | At the request of Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber, the state’s legislature will convene a special session on September 30th to pass a negotiated pension reform and revenue package which lawmakers failed to act on during the regular session this year.  […]

CBO Confirms that Fiscal Cliff Tax Cuts Will Nearly Double Long Term Debt

September 26, 2013 04:26 PM By Richard Phillips, Senior Policy Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | A new report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirms that Congress’s decision to make 85 percent of the Bush tax cuts permanent as part of the fiscal cliff deal will dramatically increase the annual deficit and the […]

New Research: Blame Congress, Not Hybrids, for Road-Funding Shortfall

September 26, 2013 02:01 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | Next Tuesday the federal gas tax will celebrate an unfortunate anniversary: 20 years stuck at a rate of exactly 18.4 cents per gallon.  A unique new report from our partner organization, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), puts this […]

ITEP Analysis: Cuccinelli Tax Plan Mostly Benefits Wealthy Virginians - and Cuccinelli

September 24, 2013 03:40 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | The lopsided benefits of Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli’s tax plan are back in the news following the release of a new report featuring data from our partner organization, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). Cuccinelli has proposed eliminating […]

When Congress Turns to Tax Reform, It Should Set These Goals

September 23, 2013 04:20 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | Tax reform is a serious undertaking. The majority party in the House of Representatives now proposes to allow the U.S. to default on its debt obligations — refuse to pay the debts built up by Congress itself — unless it can […]

Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act Would Curb Some of the Worst Multinational Corporations' Tax Dodges

September 19, 2013 03:03 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) today introduced the “Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act.” The bill, cosponsored by Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H), would curb some of the worst tax dodges used by multinational corporations to avoid […]

States Praised as Low-Tax That Are High-Tax for Poorest Families

September 19, 2013 01:50 PM By Meg Wiehe, Deputy Director at ITEP | Permalink | Annual state and local finance data from the Census Bureau are often used to rank states as “low” or “high” tax states based on state taxes collected as a share of personal income. But focusing on a state’s overall tax […]

Census Says Poverty Persists, Here's What States Can Do About It

September 19, 2013 11:54 AM By Meg Wiehe, Deputy Director at ITEP | Permalink | This week, the Census Bureau released new data showing that the share of Americans living in poverty in 2012 remained high, despite other signs of economic recovery.  While the national poverty rate (15%) and the rates in most states are […]

An Underfunded IRS Means More Tax Avoiders Get a Pass

September 18, 2013 03:51 PM By Richard Phillips, Senior Policy Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | A troubling new report (PDF) released by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has revealed that the substantial budget cuts imposed on the IRS meant that it recovered $5 billion less in revenue from enforcement efforts in […]

The Road Show's Over, It's Time to Talk Policy

September 17, 2013 04:09 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | What could be more lovable than a bipartisan effort to simplify the tax code? A bipartisan effort to simplify the tax code led by a couple of folksy guys in shirtsleeves who call themselves Max and Dave. No matter that they […]

FedEx Responds to CTJ, Avoids the Tough Questions about Its Taxes

September 17, 2013 04:00 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | As Senator Max Baucus and Congressman Dave Camp, the chairmen of the tax committees in the Senate and House, took their tax reform road show to the FedEx headquarters in Memphis last week, CTJ released a short report and op-ed concluding […]

State News Quick Hits: Missouri Legislature Fails to Override Governor's Tax Cut Veto and More

September 12, 2013 03:53 PM By Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Staff | Permalink | Despite holding a supermajority in Missouri’s House and Senate, Republican lawmakers failed this week to muster enough votes to overturn Governor Nixon’s veto of their $700 million tax cut (which passed overwhelmingly in both chambers just a couple of […]

New CTJ Report Explains How Congressman Delaney Misinforms about His Proposed Repatriation Holiday

September 11, 2013 01:57 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | In July, a letter signed by thirty national organizations and a report from Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) both warned members of Congress about a proposal from Congressman John Delaney of Maryland that would have the effect of rewarding corporations that […]

State News Quick Hits: Tax Benefits for Hawaii's Gay Couples, Tax Fairness for Coloradans and More

September 10, 2013 06:06 PM By Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Staff | Permalink | This November, Coloradans will vote on whether to invest $950 million in their state’s education system under a newly approved ballot measure (Amendment 66) that would convert the state’s flat income tax into a more progressive, graduated rate tax.  […]

It Wasn't Property Taxes that Cost DC Residents their Homes

September 10, 2013 02:40 PM By Matt Gardner, Senior Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | No one should be taxed out of their homes. It’s a sentiment that finds support across the political spectrum: homeowners, especially senior citizens and low-income families, should not lose their homes because of their property tax bills. Yet as a […]

Payroll Tax Loophole Used by John Edwards and Newt Gingrich Remains Unaddressed by Congress

September 6, 2013 04:09 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | For several years, Citizens for Tax Justice has raised the alarm about a payroll tax loophole that allows many self-employed people, including two former lawmakers, John Edwards and Newt Gingrich, to use “S corporations” to avoid payroll taxes. Unfortunately, Congress passed […]

Exclusive: Vintage Tax Reform Comic Book Now Online!

September 5, 2013 03:11 PM By Richard Phillips, Senior Policy Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | While most comic books deal with spandex-suited superheroes saving the day,  the protagonists in New York Public Interest Research Group’s (NYPIRG) “Blood from a Stone: A Cartoon Guide to Tax Reform,” published in 1977, are the everyday taxpayers who […]

Max and Dave Do Silicon Valley

August 22, 2013 04:03 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | If Senator Max Baucus and Congressman Dave Camp wanted to know what Intel thinks about the corporate tax code, they didn’t need to fly into Silicon Valley this week on the taxpayers’ dime to find out. They could just have sat […]

State News Quick Hits: Starving Government With TABOR, and More

August 22, 2013 11:06 AM By Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Staff | Permalink | TABOR stands for Taxpayer Bill of Rights, but it’s really a destructive law that restricts tax and spending growth with the goal of starving government. Colorado has the most restrictive version of this kind of law and serves as […]

Remembering an International Tax Expert and Voice for Tax Justice

August 20, 2013 04:47 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | Michael McIntyre, an international tax professor at Wayne State University, former consultant to the United Nations, OECD, and several governments, and the brother of CTJ director Robert McIntyre, passed away on August 14 at the age of 71. An obituary published […]

Washington Post Owner Jeff Bezos Does Not Believe in Taxes

August 15, 2013 04:44 PM By Richard Phillips, Senior Policy Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | The news that Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of, is going to buy the Washington Post for $250 million is shining the light on Bezos’ politics and Amazon’s corporate behavior for obvious reasons. The Washington Post is […]

Governor Cuomo's Tax-Free Zones Scheme Is More Cost than Benefit

August 15, 2013 03:47 PM By Citizens for Tax Justice Staff | Permalink | Earlier this summer, we tracked New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s state-wide promotional tour where he touted the benefits of his beloved “START-UP New York” (originally called “Tax Free NY”) – a plan to turn college campuses throughout the state into enterprise […]