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Congressional Briefing: Tax Evasion and Incorporation Transparency

July 24, 2009 11:02 AM On July 24, three organizations, Global Financial Integrity, the Tax Justice Network, and Citizens for Tax Justice, briefed Congressional Hill staff on proposals to crack down on offshore tax abuses. Here are the complete materials from the briefing. Read the report. Categories: Offshore Tax Abuses, Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, and Tax […]

Addressing Tax Havens and Offshore Tax Evasion: Legislation Pending in the 111th Congress

July 24, 2009 10:06 AM Detailed explanation of proposals before Congress to address offshore tax abuses. Read the report. Categories: Offshore Tax Abuses, Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, and Tax Enforcement Search CTJ Reports

Multinational Corporate Tax Abuses and Proposed Solutions: Summary of Remarks by Robert S. McIntyre

July 24, 2009 11:57 AM On July 24, three organizations, Global Financial Integrity, the Tax Justice Network, and Citizens for Tax Justice, briefed Congressional Hill staff on proposals to crack down on offshore tax abuses. Here is a summary of the remarks of CTJ director Robert McIntyre. Read the report. Categories: Offshore Tax Abuses, Tax Avoidance, […]

Fact Sheet: House Surcharge Proposal Unlikely to Have Noticeable Impact on Small Businesses

July 21, 2009 12:17 PM | Permalink | Very few small business owners would pay the surcharge included in the House health care reform legislation. Even for those few business owners rich enough to pay the surcharge, the incentives to create jobs would not change. Read the report.               […]

Fact Sheet: House Surcharge Proposal Unlikely to Have Noticeable Impact on Small Businesses

July 21, 2009 12:17 PM Very few small business owners would pay the surcharge included in the House health care reform legislation. Even for those few business owners rich enough to pay the surcharge, the incentives to create jobs would not change. Read the report. Categories: Basic Needs, Health Search CTJ Reports

Health Care Reform Financing Options: House Proposal to Apply a Graduated Surcharge to Incomes Over $350,000

July 15, 2009 12:10 PM (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) H.R. 3200, the new health care bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, includes a graduated surcharge on families with incomes above $350,000 to finance health care reform. Under this proposal, the richest 1.3 percent of U.S. taxpayers would have an estimated total tax increase […]

Health Care Reform Financing Options: Make the Medicare Tax a More Progressive Tax that Wealthy Investors Pay Just Like Everyone Else

July 7, 2009 01:39 PM | Permalink | (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) The Medicare payroll tax is the one important tax we already have that is dedicated to funding health care, but it completely exempts wealthy investors whose income takes the form of capital gains, stock dividends, interest and other types of investment income. Congress […]

Health Care Reform Financing Options: President Obama's Proposal to Limit Itemized Deductions for High-Income Families

July 7, 2009 01:35 PM | Permalink | (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) Itemized deductions provide subsidies for certain activities (like buying a home or giving to charity) through the tax system. But they unfairly subsidize these activities at higher rates for wealthy families than they do for middle-income families. The President’s proposal to reduce this […]

Health Care Reform Financing Options: Make the Medicare Tax a More Progressive Tax that Wealthy Investors Pay Just Like Everyone Else

July 7, 2009 1:39 PM (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) The Medicare payroll tax is the one important tax we already have that is dedicated to funding health care, but it completely exempts wealthy investors whose income takes the form of capital gains, stock dividends, interest and other types of investment income. Congress could change this […]

Health Care Reform Financing Options: President Obama's Proposal to Limit Itemized Deductions for High-Income Families

July 7, 2009 1:35 PM (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) Itemized deductions provide subsidies for certain activities (like buying a home or giving to charity) through the tax system. But they unfairly subsidize these activities at higher rates for wealthy families than they do for middle-income families. The President’s proposal to reduce this unfairness would only […]

Caviar, Cruises, and Cocaine: Two New Studies from a Right-Wing Foundation Say the Estate Tax Causes the Rich to Stop Working and Spend Away their Millions

June 12, 2009 12:26 PM A new report from CTJ examines a duo of new “studies” claiming that repeal of the estate tax is crucial to our economy. The studies, which were commissioned by a foundation established to promote repeal of the estate tax, use one-sided analysis to produce the conclusions that their funders desire. […]

President Obama's Revenue Proposals and Other Progressive Revenue Options

June 3, 2009 12:41 PM Citizens for Tax Justice presentation to Rebuild and Renew America Now (RRAN) member organizations on June 3, 2009. See the presentation. Categories: Basic Needs, Health, Obama Tax Policies, Offshore Tax Abuses, Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, and Tax Enforcement, Tax Gap, Tax Givaways for Investors, Tax Giveaways for Corporations Search CTJ Reports

Progressive Revenue Options to Fund Health Care Reform

May 21, 2009 12:23 PM There are straightforward ways to raise revenue that will not be overly burdensome for taxpayers and which will not harm the economy. They involve eliminating or reducing several subsidies and preferences provided in the federal tax code to the wealthiest and most powerful among us. Combined with savings in the […]

President Obama's Proposals to Raise Revenue

May 15, 2009 10:12 PM | Permalink | On May 11, the Treasury Department released new details on President Obama’s proposed changes to the tax code. In addition to extending the Bush tax cuts for all but the richest Americans and making permanent many of the tax cuts in the recently enacted economic recovery act, […]

President Obama's Proposals to Raise Revenue

May 15, 2009 01:53 PM | Permalink | On May 11, the Treasury Department released new details on President Obama’s proposed changes to the tax code. In addition to extending the Bush tax cuts for all but the richest Americans and making permanent many of the tax cuts in the recently enacted economic recovery act, […]

President Obama's Proposals to Raise Revenue

May 15, 2009 10:12 PM On May 11, the Treasury Department released new details on President Obama’s proposed changes to the tax code. In addition to extending the Bush tax cuts for all but the richest Americans and making permanent many of the tax cuts in the recently enacted economic recovery act, the President would […]

Myths and Facts about Offshore Tax Abuses

May 8, 2009 01:51 PM | Permalink | On May 4, President Obama proposed several measures to address overseas tax avoidance and tax evasion. The proposals are steps in the right direction but could be far stronger. (See CTJ’s description of the measures for more technical details.) While the President’s proposals are relatively modest, the […]

Obama's Proposals to Address Offshore Tax Abuses Are a Good Start, but More Is Needed

May 8, 2009 01:49 PM | Permalink | On May 4, President Obama proposed several measures to protect the U.S. tax system from offshore tax abuses. The proposed measures, which address both tax avoidance and tax evasion, are steps in the right direction but could be stronger. The additional details made public by the Treasury […]

Anti-Tax Sentiment Is Even Weaker than the Polls Suggest

April 15, 2009 02:23 PM | Permalink | A recent Gallup poll found that 61 percent of respondents felt that the federal income tax they will have to pay this year is “fair.” When asked about the specific amount of federal income taxes they pay, just over half felt they pay the right amount or […]

The Obamas' Tax Returns

April 15, 2009 02:04 PM | Permalink | How Much More Would They Have Paid If the President’s Proposals Were in Effect? Today the White House released Barack and Michelle Obama’s federal income tax return, revealing that they made over $2.7 million and paid almost $787,000 in federal income taxes in tax year 2008. The […]

Answers to Your Tax Day Questions

April 13, 2009 02:27 PM | Permalink | Part 1: President’s Obama’s Budget, Taxes, and the Economy 1. Question: Does President Obama plan on raising our taxes? Answer: President Obama proposed tax cuts for more than 95 percent of Americans in his budget proposal. He would allow the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2.5 […]

Is "Tax Day" Too Burdensome for the Rich? The U.S. Tax System Is Not as Progressive as You Think

April 13, 2009 02:25 PM | Permalink | Many politicians, pundits and media outlets have recently claimed that the richest one percent of American taxpayers are providing a hugely disproportionate share of the tax revenue we need to fund public services. New data from Citizens for Tax Justice show that this simply is not true. […]

Do the Rich Really Pay Over a Third of Their Income in Federal Income Taxes?

April 10, 2009 02:28 PM | Permalink | As we approach April 15 th, one complaint we often hear is that Americans who work hard and become successful have to pay over a third of their income in federal income taxes. But a recent report from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) shows that this is […]

Update on House GOP Budget Plan

April 2, 2009 01:54 PM | Permalink | Yesterday, the ranking Republican on the U.S. House of Representatives’ Budget Committee, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), released a budget plan1 which he argues is a more fiscally responsible alternative to the budget outline proposed by President Obama and the similar budget resolutions working their way through the […]

How President Obama Won the Battle Over the Economic Recovery Act

April 1, 2009 11:51 AM | Permalink | It would have been comical if the stakes were not so high. Allies of former President Bush, who cut taxes on the wealthy investor class in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006, argued that the only way to improve our economy was to… cut taxes for the […]