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Limiting Tax Expenditures Must Be a Part of Congress's Efforts to Balance the Budget

April 22, 2010 10:00 AM | Permalink | A great deal of government “spending” is done through the tax code in the form of special breaks and loopholes known as tax expenditures. The figures in the report illustrate that tax expenditures are a significant portion of federal spending and cannot be ignored as Congress addresses […]

Loopholes for Wealthy Owners of "Subchapter S Corporations" Will Not Help "Small Businesses"

April 22, 2010 08:00 AM | Permalink | The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has recently argued that President Obama’s proposal to allow the Bush income tax cuts to expire for the richest two percent will hurt small business employment because many small businesses are organized as “subchapter S corporations.” The reality is that only […]

All Americans Pay Taxes

April 15, 2010 10:33 AM | Permalink | Click Here for the 2013 Edition of this Report Conservative pundits and media outlets have seized upon an estimate that 47 percent of taxpayers owe no federal income tax for 2009. This statistic has morphed into the claim by conservatives that “47 percent of all Americans don’t […]

President Obama Cut Taxes for 98 Percent of Working Americans in 2009

April 13, 2010 10:24 AM | Permalink | CTJ has new state-specific reports that aim to clear up this widespread misunderstanding over President Obama’s tax policies. They show that the President cut taxes for working people at all income levels for 2009 and they show who was helped by each individual tax break. Read the […]

Who's Complaining about Health Care Reform? (And What Do They Pay in Taxes?)

April 9, 2010 02:58 PM | Permalink | A new analysis from CTJ shows that many of the companies protesting a tax-loophole-closing reform enacted in the new health care reform law are paying corporate taxes at less than a third of the 35 percent statutory corporate tax rate, and in some cases are actually getting […]

Medicare Tax Reform in Health "Corrections" Bill Unlikely to Have Any Noticeable Impact on Small Businesses and Jobs

March 23, 2010 04:46 PM | Permalink | Ending the exemption in the Medicare tax for investment income would not affect small businesses at all. Increasing the Medicare tax rate on earned income in excess of $200,000 (or $250,000 for married couples) would have no effect on 95 percent of small business owners, and is […]

Tax Provisions in Recent Jobs Legislation

March 18, 2010 02:14 PM | Permalink | Over the past several weeks, Democratic leaders in the House and Senate have pursued a strategy of enacting several small pieces of legislation to address joblessness. While lawmakers might find this strategy easier than passing one great big bill, it does make it a bit difficult for […]

Joint Statement from CTJ and U.S. PIRG on the "Carried Interest" Loophole

March 11, 2010 01:01 AM | Permalink | U.S. Public Interest Research Group and Citizens for Tax Justice released a joint statement on the lack of legislation from the Senate to close the “carried interest” loophole. The loophole allows managers of buyout funds and hedge funds to pay taxes at a lower rate than middle-income […]

Rep. Ryan's House GOP Budget Plan: Federal Government Would Collect $2 Trillion Less Over a Decade and Yet Require Bottom 90 Percent to Pay Higher Taxes

March 9, 2010 02:41 PM | Permalink | It’s difficult to design a tax plan that will lose $2 trillion over a decade even while requiring 90 percent of taxpayers to pay more. But Congressman Paul Ryan has met that daunting challenge. This analysis makes obvious that Congressman Ryan’s budget plan has nothing to do […]

President's Medicare Tax Reform Would Affect about 2% of Taxpayers and End the Exemption for Wealthy Investors

March 5, 2010 04:53 PM | Permalink | A new report from Citizens for Tax Justice examines the Medicare tax reform included in the health care plan recently put forward by President Obama. The report concludes that this reform would affect only 2.3 percent of taxpayers in 2014. The richest one percent would pay about […]

CTJ's Legislative Agenda for 2010

February 25, 2010 08:14 PM | Permalink | Steps Congress must take to avoid larger budget deficits and restore fairness to our tax system. Read More                 Want even more CTJ? Check us out on Twitter, Facebook, RSS, and Youtube!

Senator Specter's "Flat Tax" Cuts Taxes for the Richest 5% and Raises Taxes for Everyone Else

February 19, 2010 12:30 PM | Permalink | Since 1995, Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania has introduced legislation to create a federal “flat tax” in every session of Congress, including this session. This single-rate tax would replace the existing progressive personal income tax, as well as the corporate income tax and estate tax. Read the […]

President Obama's FY2011 Budget: Federal Government Should Collect at Least as Much Revenue as Obama Proposes

February 10, 2010 01:55 PM | Permalink | To avoid larger budget deficits, the federal government must collect at least as much revenue as the President proposes. There are two bare minimum requirements for Congress to achieve this. First, Congress must not extend any more of the Bush tax cuts than President Obama proposes to […]

Would the Senate Democrats' Proposed Excise Tax on "High-Cost" Employer-Paid Health Insurance Benefits Be Progressive?

December 11, 2009 10:09 AM | Permalink | Senate Democrats have proposed a new, very-high-rate excise tax on employer-paid healthinsurance benefits that exceed certain levels. The goal is to force employers to eliminate excessive benefits. Congressional analysts assume that employers then will replace theiremployees’ lost health insurance benefits with increased taxable cash wages. Proponents of […]

Two Bills Target Tax Haven Abuse and Offshore Tax Evasion

December 7, 2009 02:33 PM | Permalink | A comparison of the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (introduced by Senator Carl Levin and Rep. Lloyd Doggett) and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (introduced by House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel and Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus). Read the report.         […]

Latest State-by-State Estate Tax Data Show Why We Need a Strong Estate Tax

December 2, 2009 11:08 AM | Permalink | The best estate tax policy, in terms of both fairness and fiscal responsibility, would prevent the estate tax from disappearing in 2010 and set the estate tax parameters as close as possible to pre-Bush law. The worst estate tax policy would be to shrink (or repeal) the […]

Judging Tax Expenditures: Review is Needed for Spending Programs Burried Within the Tax Code

November 13, 2009 03:30 PM | Permalink | Each year, the federal government actually spends more on programs it administers via the tax code – i.e. “tax expenditures” – than it does on discretionary spending programs.  A new report from Citizens for Tax Justice, Judging Tax Expenditures, explains why it’s time for the federal government to […]

Health Care Reform Financing Options: The Millionaires' Surcharge in the House-Passed Health Care Reform Bill

November 13, 2009 02:15 PM | Permalink | (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) H.R. 3962, the health care reform bill approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on November 7, includes a 5.4 percent surcharge on adjusted gross income (AGI) above $1 million for married couples and $500,000 for singles. Our calculations confirm statements from the […]

CTJ's Written Testimony on Proposed U.S. Tax Treaties with France, New Zealand, and Malta

November 10, 2009 04:55 PM | Permalink | Written testimony of Michael J. McIntyre, professor of law at Wayne State University in Detroit, and Robert S. McIntyre, director of Citizens for Tax Justice, on the proposed tax treaties with France, New Zealand, and Malta. Submitted to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Read the […]

The Senate Unemployment Insurance Bill: Must Everything Involve Tax Cuts?

November 2, 2009 04:12 PM | Permalink | Efforts by Congressional leaders to extend unemployment insurance (UI) benefits are entirely reasonable. It is unfortunate, however, that the price of providing this necessary help will be tax breaks to corporations and to the housing industry. The expansion and extension of both the homebuyer credit and the […]

CTJ's Suggested Principles for Tax Reform

October 16, 2009 01:33 PM | Permalink | President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB) recently requested ideas from the public about how the federal tax system could be reformed. The following comments were submitted by Citizens for Tax Justice. Read CTJ’s Suggested Principles for Tax Reform.             Want even […]

Health Care Financing Options: Review and Comparison of Six Progressive Options to Finance Health Care Reform

September 24, 2009 01:43 PM | Permalink | (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) This report compares the revenue impact and distributional effects of six progressive revenue measures that have been discussed by members of Congress in recent months as options for financing health care reform. All of the six revenue measures examined here would make our […]

Health Care Reform Financing Options: Extend the Medicare Tax to Investment Income

September 21, 2009 07:20 PM | Permalink | (State-by-State Figures in Appendix) The Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to begin work this week on an overhaul to the American health care system. Many lawmakers and health experts have expressed concern that the proposal put forward by the committee’s chairman, Senator Max Baucus of Montana, does […]

The Bush Tax Cuts Cost Two and a Half Times as Much as the House Democrats' Health Care Proposal

September 8, 2009 07:09 PM | Permalink | Newly revised estimates from Citizens for Tax Justice show that the Bush tax cuts cost almost $2.5 trillion over the decade after they were first enacted (2001-2010). Preliminary estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office show that the House Democrats’ health care reform legislation is projected to […]

Multinational Corporate Tax Abuses and Proposed Solutions: Summary of Remarks by Robert S. McIntyre

July 24, 2009 11:57 AM | Permalink | On July 24, three organizations, Global Financial Integrity, the Tax Justice Network, and Citizens for Tax Justice, briefed Congressional Hill staff on proposals to crack down on offshore tax abuses. Here is a summary of the remarks of CTJ director Robert McIntyre. Read the report.     […]