Tax Justice Blog Archives

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Tennessee Hall Tax Repeal Would Overwhelmingly Benefit the Wealthy

February 24, 2016 02:02 PM By Dylan Grundman, Senior Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | Lawmakers in Tennessee will debate a bill today (SB 47) that would gradually eliminate the Hall Tax, Tennessee’s limited income tax on interest and dividends that generates about $341 million per year for public services in Tennessee. The bill would […]

Corporate Tax Watch: Facebook and Verisign

February 24, 2016 01:37 PM By Matt Gardner, Senior Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Thanks for reading Corporate Tax Watch. Sign up to receive our occasional Corporate Tax Watch emails here.  Facebook: An Industry Leader in Rolling the Dice on Probably-Illegal Tax Breaks The Facebook Corporation has been criticized for paying no income taxes […]

Undocumented Immigrants Pay Billions in State and Local Taxes and Would Pay Substantially More Under Comprehensive Immigration Reform

February 24, 2016 12:38 PM By Lisa Christensen Gee, Senior Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | Immigration policy—it’s a politically contentious issue but one of key importance in current state and national debates. To dispel inaccuracies and provide sufficient information to inform these debates, ITEP released today an updated report on the state and local […]

Guest Blog: Indiana Income Tax Cuts to Offset Gas and Cigarette Tax Increases? There are Better Ways

February 23, 2016 12:12 PM By Lisa Christensen Gee, Senior Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | Ensuring Indiana has funding needed to adequately repair its roads and bridges over the next several years is a top priority among lawmakers this legislative session. Among the proposed infrastructure improvement plans is HB 1001, which would raise the […]

State Rundown 2/19: Guns, Gimmicks and Giveaways

February 19, 2016 04:25 PM By Sebastian Johnson, State Policy Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Click Here to sign up to receive the State Rundown in your inbox. Thanks for reading the Rundown! Here’s a sneak peek: Missouri lawmakers want to move money from anti-poverty programs to road construction in a move some are calling unconscionable. […]

Tax Justice Digest: Saying Goodbye -- Corporate Tax Watch -- Gas Taxes

February 19, 2016 02:11 PM By Kelly Davis, Assistant Director of Communications | Permalink | Greetings! Thanks for reading the Tax Justice Digest. In the Digest we recap the latest reports, posts, and analyses from Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. We begin with some sad news. This week we […]

Corporate Tax Watch: PG&E, Manufacturing, and Owens Corning

February 19, 2016 01:57 PM By Matt Gardner, Senior Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Sign up to receive our occasional Corporate Tax Watch emails here.  PG&E: Eight Straight No-Tax Years (And Counting) California-based Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) continues its tax-avoidance hot streak. The company’s 2015 annual report shows that PG&E enjoyed $861 million […]

United Technologies' Long History of Avoiding Taxes

February 18, 2016 05:19 PM By Matt Gardner, Senior Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Indiana-based Carrier Corporation and its parent, United Technologies (UTX), are drawing the well-deserved ire of presidential candidate Donald Trump after announcing that Carrier will move 2,100 jobs from Indiana to Mexico next year. Indiana Governor Mike Pence reportedly is assigning […]

Oklahoma Could Face Showdown Over Ill-Advised Income Tax Cuts

February 18, 2016 11:39 AM By Sebastian Johnson, State Policy Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Oklahoma has become yet another regrettable example of what happens when state policy is driven by income tax cuts. Worse, Gov. Mary Fallin and Senate Finance Chairman Mike Mazzei are on a collision course over the fate of a […]

Remembering Rebecca Wilkins, Tax Justice Champion and Friend

February 17, 2016 02:28 PM By Richard Phillips, Senior Policy Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | The world has lost a great champion for tax justice and a good friend that will be dearly missed. On Sunday, Rebecca Wilkins (former Citizens for Tax Justice legal counsel), passed away after a four-year battle with cancer. From […]

State Rundown 2/17: Cuts and Crises

February 17, 2016 12:28 PM By Sebastian Johnson, State Policy Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Click Here to sign up to receive the State Rundown in your inbox. Thanks for reading the Rundown. Here’s a sneak peek: Despite a revenue shortfall, lawmakers in West Virginia are moving forward with their corporate tax cuts. North Carolina lawmakers […]

2016 State Tax Policy Trends: Nine States Seriously Considering Gas Tax Increases

February 17, 2016 08:04 AM By Carl Davis, Research Director at ITEP | Permalink | This is the sixth and final installment of our series on 2016 state tax trends. Boosting funding for transportation infrastructure—especially with gas tax increases—has been one of the most pronounced trends in state fiscal policy throughout the last three years.  […]

Tax Justice Digest: Voodoo Economics -- Corporate Tax Watch -- Social Contract

February 12, 2016 04:52 PM By Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Staff | Permalink | Read the Tax Justice Digest for recent reports, posts, and analyses from Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Here’s our weekly wrap up of tax debates:Tax Foundation Revives Voodoo EconomicsCarl Davis, ITEP’s Research Director, […]

Corporate Tax Watch: CMS Energy, Expedia, and Netflix

February 12, 2016 01:58 PM By Matt Gardner, Senior Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Sign up to receive our occasional Corporate Tax Watch emails here.  February is a special time of the year for corporate tax watchdogs: it’s when hundreds of Fortune 500 corporations release their annual financial reports to shareholders, including potentially embarrassing […]

Internet Tax Ban is a Defeat for Good Tax Policy

February 12, 2016 11:20 AM By Carl Davis, Research Director at ITEP | Permalink | Yesterday Congress passed a bill, which President Obama is expected to sign, that will ban states from imposing taxes on Internet access.  The so-called “Internet Tax Freedom Act” (ITFA) was originally enacted in 1998 as a temporary measure meant to […]

2016 State Tax Policy Trends: Addressing Poverty and Inequality Through Tax Breaks for Working Families

February 12, 2016 10:44 AM By Aidan Russell Davis, Senior Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | This is the fifth installment of our six-part series on 2016 state tax trends. An overview of the various tax policy trends included in this series is here.    As we explain in our annual report on low-income tax credits, the strategic use […]

New ITEP Report: Tax Foundation Model Seeks to Revive Economic Voodoo

February 11, 2016 04:20 PM By Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Staff | Permalink | How do tax reform plans affect economic growth? And can an economic model that always assumes tax cuts stimulate economic growth and tax increases stifle growth credibly answer this important question? In a word, no. A new paper by […]

More Details Emerge on President's Proposed Oil Tax

February 10, 2016 09:32 AM By Carl Davis, Research Director at ITEP | Permalink | As expected, the budget unveiled by President Obama this week includes a proposed new tax of $10.25 per barrel of crude oil.  The revenues raised by this tax would go toward not just shoring up our nation’s anemic Highway Trust […]

State Rundown 2/9: State Coffers Bare

February 9, 2016 05:20 PM By Sebastian Johnson, State Policy Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Click Here to sign up to receive the State Rundown in your inbox. Today we are taking a look at several states that are dealing with budget shortfalls. Despite shortfalls, governors in Arizona and Kentucky are calling for tax cuts. Newly […]

A Fish Tale That's More Harmful Than Your Average Whopper

February 9, 2016 10:46 AM By Matt Gardner, Senior Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | The recently released annual report from the Celanese Corporation, a Fortune 500 manufacturer of engineering polymers, is a helpful reminder of why multinational companies should be required to report their earnings to tax authorities in countries where they claim to […]

2016 State Tax Policy Trends: Shifty Tax Proposals

February 8, 2016 04:52 PM By Lisa Christensen Gee, Senior Analyst at ITEP | Permalink | This is the fourth installment of our six-part series on 2016 state tax trends. An overview of the various tax policy trends included in this series is here.   Tax shifts lower or eliminate one tax in exchange for increasing […]

How Are Marijuana Taxes Faring?

February 8, 2016 04:25 PM By Carl Davis, Research Director at ITEP | Permalink | In four states (Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State), retail sales of marijuana are both legal and taxable.  Of these states, Colorado was the first to implement sales and excise taxes on legal marijuana and now has over two years’ […]

Tax Justice Digest: Caymans -- 2016 Trends -- Gas Taxes

February 5, 2016 05:34 PM By Kelly Davis, Assistant Director of Communications | Permalink | Read the Tax Justice Digest for recent reports, posts, and analyses from Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Happy Friday to you! Thanks for reading. Tax Policy, Chickens, and Accounting TricksThe Cayman Islands has a […]

2016 State Tax Policy Trends: States Considering Raising Revenue in Both Big and Small Ways

February 5, 2016 02:44 PM By Meg Wiehe, Deputy Director at ITEP | Permalink | This is the third installment of our six part series on 2016 state tax trends. Significant revenue shortfalls and the desire to increase funding for public education and other public investments are spurring lawmakers in more than 16 states to […]

State Rundown 2/5: Three Revenue Raisers and A Tax Cut

February 5, 2016 12:23 PM By Sebastian Johnson, State Policy Fellow at ITEP | Permalink | Today we are taking a look at revenue raising proposals in New York and Oregon, fast-moving tax cuts in Idaho (with some ITEP numbers), and highlighting the impact of state tax cuts on local governments in Ohio. Have a […]