May 15, 2008 02:30 PM | | Bookmark and Share

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected today to vote on an emergency supplemental spending bill to fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, to improve veterans’ education benefits and to extend unemployment insurance benefits to get jobless Americans through difficult times.

The veterans’ provisions would improve the educational benefits available to veterans by increasing them to match the highest public university tuition in a given recipient’s state and providing a monthly housing stipend.

This improvement in veterans’ education benefits would cost about $52 billion over ten years. To offset this cost, House Democrats have proposed a small surtax on those who have most enjoyed the benefits of living in and doing business in America. The surtax of 0.47 percent (just under half a percent) would apply to adjusted gross income (AGI) over a million dollars for married couples and over half a million dollars for other taxpayers.

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